About Me
The Art & Science of Waking Up
With a background in dance and physical theatre (BA Hons, Dartington), medicine and transformatory shamanic work, Kundalini yoga was the perfect discipline for me to take on as a life mission for my 'third age' (a yogic term for the third energy cycle of life that comes around in midlife). But it was, as is so often the case, personal crisis that first landed me onto the Kundalini mat. I was not in a good place.
I had worked the gig economy whilst I raised my daughter and son: theatre-in-education, corporate theatre and small admin jobs kept me afloat, along with a busy land based ecological project, but now I was divorcing, a single parent & deeply in the sh*t.
But at that first class, powerful effects were immediate; I cried my eyes out, and for a day or so afterwards I felt elevated and clear; it had been a long while since I had felt that.
I returned week after week, and many tears were shed. Some of the yoga was familiar and some was quite new and strange; it ameliorated my mind and uplifted my spirit. And body? Well, due to a birth defect called spina bifida occulta I have experienced stiffness and pain forever - and - even that got better.
With this practice I am able to self-regulate my nervous system where before I would find myself veering between reactive ‘fight or flight’ mode or the depressive ‘frozen’ or dorsal vagal mode.
I feel less distraught in general and experience a gap in between the feeling and the reacting whenever I experience stressors.
So now I share these practices to a growing online membership and in-person as much as I can. Teaching sustains me and keeps me at it. I use these amazing practices every day – and I love sharing them.
Join me!
It's an amazing journey to radical wellbeing, all it takes is your commitment - a 10 minute daily YogiOnline video or 3 x a week livestreams over Zoom - you can practise any time and anywhere with my two tiers of membership.
See you on the mat.​
The Roots of the Practice
As a practice it was for millennia soley the preserve of royalty and the most dedicated of students, shared in secret; and then only within a direct teacher - student relationship.
But in these times of change it has become abundantly clear that what humanity needs is the ability to upgrade evolutionarily to meet the unique pressure of the times, and so thousands of years of taboo have been broken in the sharing of these esoteric practices to all those who seek them.
There is much myth and magic around the idea of what Kundalini itself is, but put quite simply quite simply it can be considered as the uncoiling of your innate awareness and wisdom; the art of waking up. These practices are as direct a pathway to your soul as you can get because they work work directly and powerfully on all the systems of the body to bring about a total system re-boot. How?
By utilising all the tenets of yogic science – not just posture - these practices target the glandular and nervous systems to balance your body chemistry and bring about whole-body cleansing.
These are the original bio-hacks; powerful, ancient, tried-and-tested. Guaranteed - after every session you will feel amazing - renewed and re-booted, superhuman even.
With regular practice you will find you can withstand life's niggles and pressures - you feel resilient, more neutral in provocative situations and more considered in your actions. Your digestion will improve, your relationships will improve and your productivity will improve.
Kundalini Yoga gives us an experience of the untapped source of energy that lies dormant within. Lasting change does take time and commitment, but the benefits will be felt from the very first practice.
The big question is: are you ready to make a commitment to your true, innate and infinite Self, the eternal soul that you are?
To move beyond fear and pain, to up-level mind, body and soul?​
Join me. I’d love to support you.