Christmas and New Year - such a powerful time of year - a time, perhaps, to meet the shadows within the psyche as the days dim, and then to re-emerge, re-inspired and reinvigorated.
Well, I am feeling that... And as each year passes I begin to recognise the deep emotional stresses inherent in these annual shadow journeys, as we are confronted with familial / ancestral patterns and the addictions we act out in response to them. Whoever said this earthly walk is easy?
With each year that passes the daily practice I maintain allows me to take a long view, to make a meta analysis so to speak. I realise that my sadhana, my daily practice is the one constant and the one true ally in my life and one that, almost without fail, leaves me feeling energised and inspired to meet the day's challenges. All else seems ephemeral and transitory.
It took me a few years to bring in the focus and discipline to institute and maintain a daily practice, and this New Year coming I really would love to help inspire you in your practice.
Yogic philosophy teaches us that our habits define us. They are not us directly as every soul is perfect, pure and Divine and there is nothing to redeem or purify at the soul-level - but they describe and define our expression in the world. So life is based on our habits and our habits define us to ourselves and to other people. Through our habits we live in peace and happiness. Through our habits, we live with misery and pain. When we change our habits, everything around us can change.
“Therefore when we do sadhana, what do we do? We challenge the weakness, the laziness and our self-destruction. We challenge everything which is going to destroy us tomorrow.” (Yogi Bhajan)
I have broken down the elements of making a daily practice become a habit so in each class I will offer a stand-alone practice lasting 10 or so minutes as part of the class, that you can take away utilise every day in your life.
As you probably know, kriyas are presented as a complete sequence and not to be chopped or changed, but Yogi Bhajan also taught some stand-alone kriyas and pranayamas that are 5, 10 or 15 minutes long and are therefore perfect as stand-alone practices to master over time. So class will comprise one of these along with the kriya.
I am really looking forward to teaching a new term of yoga, and hope you will join me on the journey to wholeness and supportive habits so that we can meet the challenges of this crazy, topsy turvey world. These are indeed exciting and challenging times - we need all the help we can get!
Much love to you for a brilliant New Year.
Weekly Open - Level Kundalini Yoga Classes, Totnes:
Wednesdays 7.15 - 8.15 AM
Thursdays 6.30 - 7.30PM
£7.00: please reserve your spot in advance, text or call 0777 8811 555 or email
At ToPS School, Windmill House, Ashburton Road, Totnes TQ9 5JT (opposite the Police Station, plenty of parking)
ALSO: I am covering Hilary Bee’s classes in February (1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd) 2018 which run at Follaton Village Hall TQ9 5FQ
10 – 11.30AM
Cost for these classes drop in is £5-10 sliding scale! No need to RSVP, just turn up.
For all classes please bring a yoga mat and layers or a blanket for the rest period. A meditation cushion or zafu is recommended. I do have some spare mats and cushions.